5th Sunday of Pascha – Orthodox Homily on the Samaritan Woman

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-6-2-2013.mp3 This Sunday of the Samaritan woman poses one very poignant question to us: What are you thirsting for? Many people today speak about their thirst for knowledge or enlightenment, or more often, some vague word, like “spirituality.” Often, what they want is something to legitimize their own thinking, their own insanity, whatever they’ve cobbled […]

4th Sunday of Pascha – Orthodox Homily on the Healing of the Paralytic

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-5-26-2013.mp3 Our Faith teaches us that healing is miraculous by whatever means it occurs and by whatever means God brings it. Healing is, in a very great sense, a sign, a manifestation, of the Kingdom of God, toward us. Sickness and death are the norm: tragic results of our willing disobedience to God and our […]

3rd Sunday of Pascha – Orthodox Homily on the Myrrhbearing Women

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-5-19-2013.mp3 We have seen in many ways, that it is growing increasingly more challenging to be an Orthodox Christian in our culture. Living out the truth of our faith may carry negative consequences for us in the world. Some people tell me they are afraid to wear their cross at their places of work or […]

2nd Sunday of Pascha 2013 – Orthodox Homily on Thomas Sunday

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-5-12-2013.mp3 “Seeing is believing!” This is what the Apostle Thomas demands of the Lord: “Unless I see the print of the nails and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” And truly, this is our perennial problem with faith too: If we could only ‘see’ God at work, ‘see’ His miracles, or, […]

Palm Sunday – Orthodox Homily on Palm Sunday

As Christ triumphantly and yet so humbly entered Jerusalem, the children and those of ‘child-like faith laid palms and garments on the road and cried out, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Others and those without faith, those who did not believe the prophets, saw in Jesus only a […]

5th Sunday of Lent – Orthodox Homily on St. Mary of Egypt

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-4-21-2013.mp3 Mary of Egypt, whose Sunday we celebrate today, valued all the temporal ‘attractions,’ the way of the world; she valued the lusts of the flesh more than anything else. Running away from home at 12, she made herself a harlot.  For seventeen years, she was self-abused—she didn’t see the image of God in herself […]

Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – April 21, 2013

Dearly Beloved in Christ: The Last of Lent: Lent is quickly drawing to a close.  One more week and we will be at the doorstep of Holy Week.  I want to encourage you to make the most of the short time that remains for your healing and growth in divine grace.  While everyone who comes […]

3rd Sunday of Lent – Orthodox Homily on Adoration of the Cross

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-4-7-2013.mp3 “Whosoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Let’s face it, the idea of denying ourselves anything sounds foreign to us as Americans. Yet here is Christ’s call, The death of Jesus of Nazareth is an historical fact, but many live today as if […]

2nd Sunday of Lent – Orthodox Homily on St. Gregory Palamas

https://www.orthodoxannapolis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/homily-03-31-2013.mp3 We’ve all heard the expression, “carpe diem (seize the day).” We feel good about ourselves when we get that project accomplished, get those tasks and errands done that we’ve been putting off—they’re sometimes drudgery to do them, but once completed, like our taxes, we feel better for having gotten them behind us. If you […]

1st Sunday Of Lent – Orthodox Homily on Triumph of Orthodoxy

Today is the triumph of Orthodoxy. On this First Sunday of Lent in 842 A.D. the iconodules—our “right believing” forefathers who upheld the Apostolic Faith, celebrated their victory over the heretical beliefs of the iconoclasts, the “icon-smashers.” Now, if there’s one charge we Orthodox hear more often than any other from the Protestants it’s this: […]