Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – October 6, 2014

Christ calls us through today’s Gospel to a deeper understanding of love. We are called as Christians not just to love those who are good to us, but even our adversaries. We love as Christ loves not by any power of ourselves, but through our communion with the Author of that love, our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, whose likeness we continue to assume through our deification. Like that communion and participation in the life of the Holy Trinity that we are constantly seeking to grow in, love is a virtue dependent on that deifying journey of growth in the knowledge and love of God. This means that we learn increasingly by God’s grace to come “outside ourselves” to love and to serve. Love manifests itself in this outpouring of concern for others, foremost, a concern that they come to know the Author of Life, the Savior and only Lover of mankind, Jesus Christ. Our chief enemy to love is pride. Pride is the opposite of that which Christ calls us to in order to follow Him and inherit eternal life with Him. For this reason, He says, “Let him who would come after Me deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matt. 16:24). The remedy to a hard or prideful heart is to pray and fight for growth in humility. For this reason, St. Paul admonishes us, saying, “Let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus…” (Phil. 2:5). Christ gives us the tools through His Church to grow in acquiring humility and love, which are always two sides of the same coin. Through the Sacraments, the divine worship, the witness of the Saints, and the work of healing He does in each of us as we open up ourselves to Him, we grow in that knowledge and love that He, in His love, desires to share with us so that we can learn to love “even those that hate us” and be called “sons of the Most High.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you! Fr. Robert+


  • Wed, Oct. 8, 7 p.m., St. John’s Boathouse (parking in Gym lot or on King George St.): Applied Orthodox Theology Discussion: A discussion on the “how” of living out the Orthodox Christian Faith in our daily lives. Have a suggested question/topic for us? Email Fr. Robert. This week: Iconography: Is it necessary for the Life in Christ? All invited!
  • Friday-Sunday, Oct. 10-12. OCF Retreat at Sandy Point State Park (the Rectory). Great Vespers, 6 p.m., will move to the Rectory this week (1353 Tydings Rd., Annapolis) and be served outside on the deck, weather permitting. All are invited and encouraged to attend!
  • Sat, Oct.11, 6:00 p.m., Great Vespers at the Rectory, Confession following
  • Sunday, Oct. 12, 9:30 a.m., Hours, 10 am Divine Liturgy (at 1120 Spa Rd.), Trapeza following

Mark Your Calendars!

  • Saturday, Oct. 25, 11-3 p.m., Centreville Day on the Eastern Shore. HELP needed! Come and share the Orthodox Faith in Christ and Holy Archangels Church. Details TBA.
  • Fri-Sat., Nov. 7-8, HOLY ARCHANGELS PATRONAL FEAST. Details TBA.

September Financial Report: Holy Archangels received a total of $2018 in offerings in September ($1986 in August). $2500 was pledged. $18,538 was received in offerings from January thru September 2014. The budgeted amount based on pledges is $22,500. This leaves us a gap of over $4000 (a new high) to make up between now and Dec. to meet our expenses! Please stay current with your pledges/offerings, and consider increasing your offering and/or making a special one-time gift to help meet this deficit. Thank God for His provision and thank you for your faithful support, which ensures that our Mission can continue and grow! The Holy Archangels Mission Council

Prayer Requests:

  • That God may grow our Mission “in spirit and in numbers…”
  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission and ACM (Annapolis College Ministry);
  • For our Mission that we may find a Choir Director;
  • Departed handmaidens of God Mary and Maria (Great Aunts of Fr. Robert)
  • Metropolitan Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Dcn. Basil, Rdr. John, Benedict, James, Daniel, Seraphim, Ed, Bede, Wanda, Peter, the Church in Georgia and Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our suffering, persecuted Orthodox brethren in Iraq and Syria, a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

Troparion             (Resurrection) Tone 8
Thou didst descend from on high, O Merciful One!
Thou didst accept the three day burial to free us from our sufferings!//
O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to Thee!
Troparion             (Martyr Charitina) Tone 4
Thy lamb Charitina, // calls out to Thee, O Jesus, in a loud voice:
“I love Thee, my Bridegroom, // and in seeking Thee, I endure suffering.
In baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in Thee,
and I died so that I might live with Thee. // Accept me as a pure sacrifice,
for I have offered myself in love.”// Through her prayers save our souls, since Thou art merciful!
Troparion            (Holy Archangels) Tone 4
Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you:
by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory,
and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://
“Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!”
Kontakion            (Resurrection) Tone 8
By rising from the tomb, Thou hast raised the dead and resurrected Adam.
Eve exults in Thy Resurrection,
and the world celebrates Thy rising from the dead, O greatly Merciful One!
Kontakion            (Martyr Charitina) Tone 2
Having fortified thy soul with faith and strengthened by understanding
thou didst openly put the enemy to shame, O Charitina;
thou didst stand before Christ wearing a robe empurpled by thy blood, O All-blessed One,
and now thou rejoicest with the Angels,//
praying for us, O passionbearer.