Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – November 15, 2015

The Parable of the Good Samaritan calls us to come outside ourselves, our own self-focus, to live as Christ in the midst of a world that is torn apart—a world that ravages the souls of those who are caught by the ‘thieves’ that rob mankind of its greatest treasure: our life in and with God the Holy Trinity, our identity as a child of God called to glorify God with our lives and recover our ‘first beauty.’ Godlessness pulls our neighbors away from our Life-source, from relationship and communion with God. You and I have the opportunity to be like the Samaritan, a foreigner in this world, yes, but one who ministers to those who fall among the ‘thieves’ of this generation, those robbed of their sacred vocation and hope in Christ, who are in need of healing through repentance and the laver of regeneration. As you and I strive to live out our faith with all sincerity, prioritizing our life in Christ in the Church above all else, we give others hope of new life as well, we present an alternative to slavery to this world and the passions—all that is passing away. In this way, we mend the wounds of our neighbors’ eternal souls by loving them with the Gospel and the Orthodox Faith. We do so by speaking the truth in love and letting love cast out the fear to do so, to confront the destruction we see around us, to present them with an alternative that is Life itself. Christ God can give us the eyes to see those in need around us, who’ve fallen among ‘the thieves’ of our culture, and a heart to love and minister to them that they too find Christ and His Church.                                                        The Lord Jesus Christ bless you, Fr. Robert+


  • Tuesday, Nov. 17, 12:50-1:20. 6th Hour Prayers at the St. Nicholas Chapel, USNA. All welcome!
  • Wednesday, Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m., Applied Orthodox Theology Discussion, St. John’s Boathouse. This week’s topic: Original Sin. All are welcome!
  • Sat, Nov 21, 6:00 p.m. Great Vespers Confession following
  • Sun, Nov. 22, 9:30 a.m., Hours 10am Divine Liturgy, Trapeza following (fish, wine, oil allowed)

NATIVTY FAST begins TODAY and continues until the Feast of the Nativity. Please consult the church calendar for fasting directions and contact Fr. Robert for any exceptions needed.

Confession and Reception: In keeping with OCA Guidelines, it’s the discipline at Holy Archangels to practice monthly confession. If you wish to receive Communion and a month has passed and you have not made confession for good reason, or are visiting, please talk with Fr. Robert prior to the service and before approaching the Chalice.  

October Financial Report: We received $3,268 in offerings in October. YTD $29,151 has been received. We are running a deficit of -$3,678. Your faithful contributions provide for this church and her ministries. Thank God for His provision and your faithfulness, which means that our Mission can continue and grow! Holy Archangels Mission Council.

2016 Pledge Cards: We have received $1440 in pledges for 2016. This is far below the $2300 we received last year. If you haven’t already, please take a Time, Talent, and Treasure Pledge Card (on Back Table) and prayerfully consider what step of faith God would have you make. January 2016 we lose our $1333 monthly Mission Planting Grant from the OCA. Your step of faith and increased pledge over last year will help us sustain this Mission so that we can continue her ministries and grow “in spirit and in numbers.”


Prayer Requests:

  • That God may grow our Mission “in spirit and in numbers…”
  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission & ACM (Annapolis College Ministry);
  • The victims of the French terrorist attacks, the Romanian club fire, and Russian airline disaster.
  • Metropolitan Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Dcn. Basil, Rdr. John, Governor Hogan, Benedict, James, Daniel, Seraphim, Bede, Wanda, Eric, George, Daniel, John, Eleni, Svetlana, Noah, Daphyne, the Church in Georgia & Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren in Iraq & Syria, the Syrian and Ukrainian refugees, a peaceful resolution in Ukraine.

Troparion             (Resurrection) Tone 7

By Thy Cross Thou didst destroy death. // To the thief Thou didst open Paradise.

For the Myrrhbearers Thou didst change weeping into joy,

and Thou didst command Thy disciples, O Christ God,

to proclaim that Thou art risen,// granting the world great mercy.

Troparion             (for the Martyrs) Tone 5

O Christ our God, Thou hast granted us the miracles of Thy holy martyrs

Gúrias, Samónas, and Abíbas, // as a stronghold and protection.

Through their prayers, strengthen those in authority in ev’ry good deed,//

for Thou alone art merciful and lovest mankind!

Troparion               (Angels)Tone 4

O Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you:

by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory,

and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://

Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion            (Resurrection) Tone 7                       

The dominion of death can no longer hold men captive,

for Christ descended, shattering and destroying its powers.

Hell is bound, while the Prophets rejoice and cry:

“The Savior has come to those in faith;// enter, you faithful, into the Resurrection!”

Kontakion            (for the Martyrs) Tone 2            

Ye received grace from on high, O all-praised martyrs,

and ye intercede for those in the midst of temptations.

Therefore, O saints, ye freed a young woman from bitter death,//

and are indeed the glory of Edessa and the joy of the world.

Kontakion            (Angels)Tone 2

Commanders of God’s armies // and ministers of the divine glory,

princes of the bodiless Angels // and guides of mankind;

ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy,// O Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.