Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – May 11, 2014

We see today two beautiful examples of the love and compassion manifested by God as the Lord of Life, the Physician of our souls and bodies. We learn today that healing is always a grace, a mercy of God interjected into an otherwise dying world. Christ God says to us, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Life in Christ, having put on Christ, is a transfigured life. We no longer live to die, but we die to live and inherit eternal life. In Christ, this earthly life that is passing away before our eyes, becomes a journey with God that never ends, but which is transfigured from “glory to glory,” (II Cor. 3:18) IF, we are willing to journey with Christ, to submit ourselves to the healing of our souls that He graciously desires for us. It is miraculous that God would bring the dead back to life and heal a paralytic; it’s a manifestation of His power, of His Kingdom—a testimony that He truly is the Lord and Giver of Life. But of even greater significance, is the new life in Christ and the ongoing healing of our souls that enables us to become fellow victors with Christ over sin and death and inheritors of His eternal Kingdom. For this reason, we sing today in the words of the Kontakion: “as You raised up the Paralytic of old, so raise up my soul, paralyzed by sins and thoughtless acts; so that being saved I may sing to You: “Glory to Your power, O compassionate Christ!” May Christ God work His spiritual healing in each of us to His glory! (reprinted from Fr. Robert’s writing for Sunday of the Paralytic, 2013)

In the love and mercy of the risen Christ,
Fr. Robert+


  • Saturday, May 17, 6:00 p.m., Great Vespers. Confession offered following the service
  • Sunday, May 18, 9:30 Hours, 10 a.m., Divine Liturgy

Save the Dates:

  • Thursday, May 29, 9:30 Hours, 10 am Divine Liturgy of ASCENSION
  • Saturday, June 73 p.m., EVE of PENTECOST, Picnic at the Rectory: bring your favorite meat to grill, wine/beer, side, and a contribution to share for our annual picnic at the Rectory, 1353 Tydings Rd., Annapolis.  Great Vespers with Litya and Pentecost bon-fire following
  • Great Vespers at the Rectory, 6 p.m.  followed by bon-fire for PENTECOST
  • Sunday, June 8, 9:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy of PENTECOST, BAPTISM of Simeon Mihai
  • Festive Trapeza for Pentecost following the Liturgy

Prayer Requests:

  • That God may grow our Mission “in spirit and in numbers…”
  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission and ACM;
  • For our Mission that we may find a Choir Director;
  • Archpriest George, Archpriest Michael, Priest John, Dcn. Basil, Rdr. John, Benedict, Colette, Mary, Carol, Katherine, James, Daniel, Sarah, Seraphim, Patricia, George, Anne, Ed, the Church in Georgia and Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our suffering Orthodox brethren in Syriaa peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

Troparion  (Resurrection) Tone 3

Let the heavens rejoice! // Let the earth be glad! // For the Lord has shown strength with His arm.

He has trampled down death by death. // He has become the first born of the dead.

He has delivered us from the depths of hell, // and has granted to the world// greatmercy.

Troparion  (SS Cyril and Methodius) Tone 4

Cyril and Methodius, inspired by God,

you became Equals-to-the-Apostles by your life.

As you were teachers of the Slavs, intercede with the Master of all,

that He may strengthen all Orthodox peoples in the true faith;

that He may grant peace to the world//

and great mercy to our souls!

Troparion (Holy Archangels)  Tone 4

Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you:

by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory,

and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://

“Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!”

Kontakion  (SS Cyril and Methodius) Tone 3

Let us praise the two godly priests who enlightened the Church;

by translating the Scriptures they pour out a fountain of the knowledge of God!

Cyril and Methodius, abundant learning has been drawn from this work.

We exalt you as you now stand before the Most High,//

fervently interceding for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion(from the Pentecostarion) Tone 3 

By Your divine intercession, O Lord, as You raised up the Paralytic of old,

so raise up my soul, paralyzed by sins and thoughtless acts;

so that being saved I may sing to You://

“Glory to Your power, O compassionate Christ!”

Kontakion(Holy Archangels) Tone 2

Commanders of God’s armies // and ministers of the divine glory,

princes of the bodiless Angels // and guides of mankind;

ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy,// Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.