Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – February 24, 2019

The Sunday of the Prodigal Sonaffords us the opportunity to consider how much we value our ‘inheritance,’ our identity, in Christ.  The prodigal demands his inheritance from his father (even before his father dies) and squanders it on riotous living.  Having become a slave to his passions, there’s no sating them.  Having starved his soul to give the passions their want, the prodigal is left starving, longing to eat the pig’s slop. He’s lost everything: his very identity has been squandered. When he “returns to himself,” that is, he repents, he recovers the truth of who he is—his father’s unworthy son—and he returns from the far country.  This is the very ‘icon’ of repentance (Gk. metanoia), that is, of a “change of heart and mind.” The son, in his returning, sees himself worthy only of being one of his father’s hired servants.  His prideful arrogance is gone; only the humility of one who has seen the emptiness of losing one’s true self, one’s true identity, remains.  But, in this humility and repentance, he is restored.  Likewise, our true identity is who we are in Christ, who we are as God’s adopted sons, called to glory and participation in the life of God the Holy Trinity. Fittingly, in many Orthodox icons of this Parable, the father is portrayed as Christ Himself, before whom we repent, to whom we return when we “come to ourselves,” through Holy Confession—recovering our true identity and being made fit and worthy for life with God in His eternal and heavenly Kingdom.              In Christ’s love, Fr. Robert+

2019 Pledges/Commitments.  We give back a “first fruits” pledge to Christ from what He’s so mercifully given and entrusted to us.  Everything we have is a gracious gift from God.  Let us be as those servants who used their talentswisely and to God’s glory (Matt. 25:23).  If you have not done so yet, please offer your pledge of talents today.  To grow in faith and grow our Mission “in spirit and in numbers,” please give generously and faithfully. (II Cor. 9:7).  


  • TODAY Feb. 24, 9:30 Hours, 10 Divine Liturgy,TrapezaSunday School, Sunday of the Prodigal SonTrapeza, Sunday School. Annual Mtg./ Update
  • 6 p.m.,Sub-Committee Meeting (by phone)
  • 6 p.m., Daily Vespers, 6:45, LAST Patristics Study:The conclusion of St. Clement’s “Epistle to the Corinthians.”  
  • Fri., March 1-Sat., March 9, Fr. Robert leading National OCF’s Realbreak Romaniamission trip for OCF students nationwide. Fr. Ignatius Green will be serving for Fr. Robert.
  • Sat., March 2,6:00 p.m., Great Vespers
  • Sun., March 3,9:30 a.m., Hours, 10 Divine Liturgy,Fr. Ignatius Green will be serving for Fr. Robert. Meatfare TrapezaEveryone bring a meat dish. 

Looking Ahead…Mark your Calendars!

  • *Sun., March 10, Forgiveness Sunday(Cheesefare). Trapeza, Forgiveness Vespers, Rite of Forgiveness, Liturgical Entry into Lent!  
  • Mon., March 11, Clean MondayBegin the Lenten Fast
  • Wed.,March 13,6:30 pm, Presanctified Liturgy,Soup Supper


TODAY            Matthew Gray

Sunday, March 3, Doug Burnett

Sunday, March 10, Matthew Gray

Confession & Reception:In keeping with OCA Guidelines, it’s the discipline at Holy Archangels to practice monthlyconfession.  If a month has passed and you’ve not made confession for good reason, or, are visiting, please talk with Fr. Robert to ask a blessing to receive prior to the serviceand before approaching the Chalice.AMAZON.  We’re now able to give 6.5%of our regular purchases from Amazon.comto Holy Archangels. Purchases are anonymous and will be automatically credited to Holy Archangels.  Please Visit our website and click the link beforeyou shop at Amazon and it will be credited to us.  Please note: This is not the same promotion as “Amazon Smile.”

TRAPEZA:The lunch and fellowship served after Divine Liturgy is an important part of our Mission’s family life together.  We cannot draw closer to God if we’re not also drawing closer to each other.  To grow “in spirit and in numbers,” such fellowship is important.  Please sign up to help provide for this important ministry!

Prayer Requests: Our Mission’s Growth “in spirit & in numbers”  

  • For God’s financial provisionfor our Mission & college ministry, ACM (Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry);
  • Departed founders of our church: Archpriest George the Confessor, Gabriel, Rafael, Serafim, Basil, Rdr. Michael, 
  • Met. Isaiah of Georgia, Archbishops Yohanna Ibrahim and Boulos Yazigi of Syria, Sbn. John, Gov. Hogan, Benedict, Benjamin, Daniel, Noah, Alex, Gary, Timothy, Sophia, Vivian, Beatrice, George, Helen, Helen, Geneva, Phoenix, Sydney, Young, Liam, Eleni, Valerie, Charlotte, Anastasia, Valentina, Linda, Susan, Jessica (sister of Kelly Vernet), Michael, Elizabeth, Noah, Jocelyn, Tommy, Thomas, Johann, the Church in Georgia, Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren throughout the world, peace in Syria. 

Troparion              (Resurrection)            Tone 6            

The Angelic Powers were at Thy tomb; // the guards became as deadmen. // Mary stoodby Thy grave, // seeking Thy most pure body. // Thou didst capture hell not being tempted by it.

Thou didst come to the Virgin, granting life.//

O Lord, Who didst rise from the dead, glory to Thee.  

Troparion              (for St John the Baptist)            Tone 4            

The head of the Forerunner has shonefrom the earth,

sending forth rays of incorruption and healings to the faithful.

It gathers together a multitude of Angels above

and summons the human racebelow//

to send up glory with one voice to Christour God.

Troparion                (Angels) Tone 4            

O Commanders of the heavenly hosts,// we who are unworthy beseechyou:// by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory,// and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cryto you://Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion              (for St John the Baptist)            Tone 2            

O Prophet of God and Forerunner of Grace,

we have found thy head as a sacred rose.

Therefore we always receive healings from it, //and, 

as in times past, now thou dost preach repentance to the world.

Kontakion            (from the Lenten Triodion)            Tone 3             

I have recklessly forgotten Thy glory, O Father; // and among sinners I have scattered the riches which Thou gavest me.

And now I cry to Thee as the Prodigal:

“I have sinned before Thee, O merciful Father; //receive me as a penitent, //and make me as oneof Thy hiredservants!”

Kontakion               (Angels) Tone 2            

Commanders of God’s armiesand ministers of the divine glory,//princes of the bodiless Angelsandguidesof mankind

//askfor what is good for us, and for great mercy,//O Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.

~Glory to God for All Things!~