Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – November 16, 2014

Commitment Sunday TODAY!

This Sunday we offer the Lord our commitments for 2015. We do so, knowing that God always gives us more in return than what we offer of ourselves: our gifts and talents, our time, our treasure.   We offer a portion back to Him in the knowledge and faith that He will receive these offerings of commitment, bless them, and return them to us and His Church with even greater growth in faith and spiritual blessing. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Cor. 9:7). Please complete one of the pledge and commitment cards and place it in the specially-marked basket to be brought up with the offerings.

Today’s Gospel

The Parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the most moving of the Gospel because it calls us to come outside ourselves, our own self-focus, to live as Christ in the midst of a world that is torn apart—a world that ravages the souls of those who are caught by the ‘thieves’ that rob mankind of its greatest treasure: our life in and with God the Holy Trinity, our identity as a child of God called to glorify God with our lives and recover our ‘first beauty.’ All godlessness, whether it’s secularism, humanism, or one’s own prideful self-will pulls us and our neighbors away from our Life-source, from relationship and communion with God. You and I have the opportunity to be like the Samaritan, a foreigner in this world, yes, but the one who ministers to those who fall among the ‘thieves’ of this generation, who are robbed of their sacred vocation and hope in Christ, who are in need of healing through repentance and the laver of regeneration. As you and I strive to live out our faith with all sincerity, prioritizing our life in Christ in the Church above all else, we give others hope of the reality and possibility of this new life as well; we offer freedom from slavery to this world with all that’s passing away; we mend the wounds of our neighbors’ eternal souls by loving them with the Gospel and the Orthodox Faith. We do so by speaking the truth in love and letting that love of Christ in us cast out the fear to do so, to confront the destruction we see around us, to present an alternative that is Life itself. Christ God can give us the eyes to see those in need around us, who’ve fallen among ‘the thieves’ of our culture, and a heart to love and minister to them that they too find Christ and His Church.

In Christ’s blessing and love, Fr. Robert+


  • Wed, Nov 19, 7-8 p.m., St. John’s Boathouse (parking in Gym lot or on King George St.: AKATHIST OF THANKSGIVING! Practice for Colinde begins at 6:30 p.m.
  • Sat, Nov 22, 6:00 p.m. Great Vespers Confession following
  • Sun, Nov. 23, 9:30 a.m., Hours 10am Divine Liturgy, Trapeza following (fish, wine, oil allowed)

Looking Ahead: Mark your Calendars

  • Thursday, Dec. 4, Colinde (Caroling). Details TBA
  • Wed, Dec. 24, 10 p.m. FEAST of the NATIVITY. Bring a quiche and desert to share!

October Financial Report: Holy Archangels received a total of $2448 in offerings in October ($2018 in September). $2500 was pledged. $20,986 was received in offerings from January thru October 2014. The budgeted amount based on pledges is $25,000. This leaves us a gap of $4000 to make up between now and Dec. to meet our expenses! Please stay current with your pledges/offerings, and consider increasing your offering and/or making a special one-time gift to help meet this deficit. Thank God for His provision and thank you for your faithful support, which ensures that our Mission can continue and grow! The Holy Archangels Mission Council

Prayer Requests:

  • That God may grow our Mission “in spirit and in numbers…”
  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission and ACM (Annapolis College Ministry);
  • Departed servant of God, Simeon (grandfather of Ho Simeon, handmaiden of God, Genica.
  • Metropolitan Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Dcn. Basil, Rdr. John, Benedict, James, Daniel, Seraphim, Ed, Bede, Wanda, Peter, the Church in Georgia and Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our suffering, persecuted Orthodox brethren in Iraq and Syria, a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine., for all those suffering from the Ebola epidemic and for a speedy end to the disease.

Troparion             (Resurrection) Tone 6
The angelic powers were at Your tomb; // the guards became as dead men.
Mary stood by Your grave, // seeking Your most pure body.
You took captive hell,// not being tempted by it.
You came to the Virgin, granting life.// O Lord, Who rose from the dead, glory to You.
Troparion            (Holy Apostle Matthew) Tone 3           
With zeal, you followed Christ the Master, // Who, in His goodness, appeared on earth to mankind.
Summoning you from the customs house, // He revealed you as a chosen apostle:
the proclaimer to the whole world. // Therefore, divinely eloquent Matthew,
we honor your precious memory.//
Entreat merciful God that He may grant our souls remission of transgressions!
Kontakion            (Resurrection) Tone 6            
When Christ God the Giver of Life,
raised all of the dead from the valleys of misery with His mighty hand,
He bestowed resurrection on the human race.//
He is the Savior of all, the Resurrection, the Life, and the God of all.
Kontakion            (Holy Apostle Matthew) Tone 4           
Casting aside the bonds of the customs house for the yoke of justice,
You were revealed as an excellent merchant, rich in wisdom from on high.
You proclaimed the word of truth // and roused the souls of the slothful//
by writing of the hour of Judgment.