Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – March 4, 2018

Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas

We can easily become distracted by so many things. In the midst of our rapid pace of life, we can ‘lose track’ of where we’re headed and the priority of our immortal souls created for life with God, “the one thing needful..” In the end, what will all the busyness with which we fill our days and weeks matter? For us as Christians we know that death is not the end, but that we will all come before the Judgment Seat of Christ to answer for how we’ve lived. For this reason, we strive to live with eternity before us, even as we keep ourselves focused on our source of Life, the Life of the world, and our Eternal Life, Jesus Christ. This is the message of the Sunday of St. Gregory. In our Epistle today we’re reminded of this truth: “You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You remain…” Lent gives us the opportunity to re-focus on our life with God and the working out of our salvation with Him. For this reason, during Lent we increase our prayers as we fast, we prioritize the divine services of the Church that are so necessary in teaching us and growing us in the “faith once received,” even as they unite us further in communion with God. We work on growing in humility and love, as we repent of all not compatible with Christ God. St. Paul asks us today, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation”? Exactly!                           In Christ’s Love, Fr. Robert+


Important: 2018 Pledges and Commitments: If you have not yet offered your commitment for 2018, PLEASE place it in the offering box today. As of now we have $2700 total in monthly commitments. We need $3,500. To all for whom this Mission is dear, please give generously so we can continue to pay rent and other necessary expenses to provide for our church and her growth. “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Cor. 9:7).



  • TODAY, 9:15 Hours,10 a.m., Divine Liturgy, 2nd Sunday of Lent, St. Gregory Palamas, Trapeza, Sunday School.
  • , March 7, 6:30 pm, Presanctified Liturgy, Soup Supper
  • , March 10, 6 p.m., Great Vespers
  • Sunday, March 11, 9:30 a.m., Hours, 10 a.m., Divine Liturgy, Sunday of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, Trapeza, Sunday School ( Ignatius Green serving in Fr. Robert’s stead)

Looking Ahead: Mark your Calendars

  • , March 9-Sat., March 17, Fr. Robert leading National OCF Realbreak Romania mission trip to the Pro Vita Orphanage. Fr. Ignatius Green (godson of Fr. Robert) will be supplying. Please welcome him and his family!
  • Thurs, March 22, 6 p.m., Great Canon of St. Andrew
  • Sunday, March 25, Great Feast of the Annunciation
  • , March 29, 5:30-7:30 p.m., March Catechumen/Inquirer Meeting

Confession and Reception: In keeping with OCA Guidelines, it is the discipline at Holy Archangels to practice monthly confession. If you wish to receive Communion and a month has passed and you have not made confession for good reason, or, are visiting, please talk with Fr. Robert prior to the service and before approaching the Chalice.


Monthly Giving—Expanding the Mission: Our Mission has taken a big step of faith to move into our new church home, to expand our bookstore and outreach efforts, and make more room for new families and individuals. We need your help to afford our new space. Monthly pledges and giving are key to our sustainability and our growth.


TRAPEZA: The lunch and fellowship we serve after Divine Liturgy is an important part of our Mission’s life together. We cannot draw closer to God if we’re not also drawing closer to each other. To grow “in spirit and in numbers,” such fellowship is so important. Please sign up to help provide for this important ministry.


Prayer Requests: Our Mission’s Growth “in spirit and in umbers”

  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission & college ministry, ACM (Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry);
  • Forgiveness, memory eternal: Newly-reposed servants of God Elder Dobri Dobrev of Bulgaria, Billy, Joseph, Anthony, Mary, Annette, those who lost their lives in the mass shooting in Florida.
  • Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Sbn. John, Gov. Hogan, Frederica, Benedict, Daniel, Eric, Daniel, Noah, Norm, Alex, Gary, Timothy, Sophia, Vivian, Marlena and baby, Beatrice, George, Helen, Helen, Geneva, Phoenix, Sydney, Young, Liam, Cynthia, Valerie, the Church in Georgia, Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren in the Middle East, peace in Syria.

Troparion             (Resurrection)            Tone 6           

The Angelic Powers were at Thy tomb;

the guards became as dead men.//Mary stood by Thy grave,

seeking Thy most pure body.

Thou didst capture hell not being tempted by it.

Thou didst come to the Virgin, granting life.//

O Lord, Who didst rise from the dead, glory to Thee.

Troparion             (St Gregory Palamas)Tone 8           

O light of Orthodoxy, teacher of the Church, its confirmation,

O ideal of monks and invincible champion of theologians,

O wonderworking Gregory, glory of Thessalonica and preacher of grace,//

always intercede before the Lord that our souls may be saved!

Troparion               (Angels) Tone 4           

O Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you: // by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, // and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion            (from the Lenten Triodion)Tone 4            

Now is the time for action!//Judgment is at the doors! // So let us rise and fast, // offering alms with tears of compunction and crying: // “Our sins are more in number than the sands of the sea; // but forgive us, O Master of all,// so that we may receive the incorruptible crowns!”

Kontakion            (St Gregory Palamas)            Tone 8            

Holy and divine instrument of wisdom, // joyful trumpet of theology, // together we sing thy praises, O God-inspired Gregory. // Since thou now standest before the Original Mind, guide our minds to Him, O Father,// so that we may sing to thee: “Rejoice, O preacher of grace!”

Glory to God for All Things!