Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – June 24, 2018

Sin is one of those oft misunderstood concepts in Christianity. Many people don’t understand sin, its consequences, and its remedy. St. Paul assures us in today’s Epistle that “sin leads to death” (Rom. 6:23). Why? The Orthodox Faith teaches us that sin is “missing the mark,” departing from the divine calling that God gives each of us.   He calls us into fellowship, communion, with Him that we may inherit eternal life with Him and in Him. This means that when we disobey His divine will and way, His commandments, which are life-giving, we are, in this sense, choosing death, apartness and separation from that holy communion with Him who is Life—the only true Life. That separation is truly a living death. In recognizing, confessing, and repenting of our sin, there is in the Church the opportunity for healing and growth through that change of heart. What we cannot do as Christians is to pretend that we have no sin or to mitigate our own sin or that of others. To no longer call sin that which God has defined as sin is to stand in the way of our healing and the healing of others. If we do so, St. John assures us that, “we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us…. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.” Conversely, we are also assured that “If we confess our sins, He (Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all un-righteousness (I John 1:8-10). This forgiveness is conveyed to us through Confession, in which God, by the Holy Spirit, works on our souls to renew in us our baptism and begin again to walk in “newness of life.” In Christ’s love, Fr. Robert+


Important: 2018 Pledges/Commitments: We have reached our minimum need of $3,500 per month. Glory to God for His provision! To grow the Mission further, we need everyone to honor their monthly pledges and to give generously and faithfully so we can continue to provide for our church and ready ourselves for the next step. “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Cor. 9:7).



  • TODAY, 9:15 Hours,10 a.m., Divine Liturgy, Trapeza, Sunday School,
  • June 27, 6:30 pm Daily Vespers
  • Wed, June 29, 9:45 a.m., Divine Liturgy, Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Trapeza (fish, wine, oil)
  • Sat, June 30, 6 p.m., Great Vespers (Confession offered following the service)
  • Sun, July 1, 9:30 Hours, 10 a.m., Divine Liturgy, trapeza, Sunday School.

Looking Ahead…Mark your Calendars!

  • Sunday, July 8, Divine Liturgy with Baptisms and Chrismations. Trapeza served following.


Confession and Reception: In keeping with OCA Guidelines, it is the discipline at Holy Archangels to practice at least monthly confession. If a month has passed and you have not made confession for good reason, or, are visiting, please talk with Fr. Robert prior to the service and before approaching the Chalice.


Regular, Monthly Giving—Expanding the Mission: Our Mission has taken a big step of faith to move into our new church home, to expand our bookstore and outreach efforts, and make more room for new families and individuals. We need your help to afford our new space. Monthly pledges and giving are key to our sustainability and our growth.


TRAPEZA: The lunch and fellowship served after Divine Liturgy is an important part of our Mission’s life together. We cannot draw closer to God if we’re not also drawing closer to each other. To grow “in spirit and in numbers,” such fellowship is so important. Please sign up to help provide for this important ministry, which is everyone’s responsibility!


Prayer Requests: Our Mission’s Growth “in spirit and in umbers”

  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission & college ministry, ACM (Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry);
  • Those departed this life: especially Mary, Baker, Roger,
  • Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Sbn. John, Gov. Hogan, Benedict, Daniel, Eric, Daniel, Noah, Norm, Alex, Gary, Timothy, Sophia, Vivian, Beatrice, George, Helen, Helen, Geneva, Phoenix, Sydney, Young, Liam, Cynthia Eleni, Valerie, Charlotte, Anastasia, the Church in Georgia, Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren in the Middle East, peace in Syria.

Troparion             (Resurrection)            Tone 3           

Let the heavens rejoice! // Let the earth be glad!

For the Lord has shown strength with His arm.

He has trampled down death by death.

He has become the first born of the dead.

He has delivered us from the depths of hell,

and has granted to the world//great mercy.

Troparion             (Nativity of St John the Baptist)            Tone 4           

O Prophet and Forerunner of the coming of Christ,

although we cannot praise thee worthily, // we honor thee in love at thy nativity, // for by it thou hast ended thy father’s silence and thy mother’s barrenness,// proclaiming to the world the incarnation of the Son of God!

Troparion               (Angels) Tone 4           

O Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you: // by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, // and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion             (Resurrection)            Tone 3           

On this day Thou didst rise from the tomb, O Merciful One,

leading us from the gates of death.

On this day Adam exults as Eve rejoices;

with the Prophets and Patriarchs//

they unceasingly praise the divine majesty of Thy power.

Kontakion             (Nativity of St John the Baptist) Tone 3           

Today the formerly barren woman gives birth to Christ’s Forerunner, // who is the fulfillment of every prophecy;

for in the Jordan, // when he laid his hand on the One foretold by the Prophets,// he was revealed as Prophet, Herald, and Forerunner of God the Word.

Kontakion            (Angels) Tone 2           

Commanders of God’s armies and ministers of the divine glory,// princes of the bodiless Angels and guides of mankind

//ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy,//O Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.