Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – January 21, 2017

Zacchaeus Sunday is here and we’re given an important truth on our journey with Christ toward salvation. Zacchaeus is a sinner, but he becomes for us an icon of repentance and confession. Zacchaeus lays all his earthly cares aside to seek and to see Christ. Of all the people who came out to see Jesus that day, Zacchaeus may have had the most to overcome. But he doesn’t let his ‘handicaps’, his short stature or his past sins, stand in his way of getting himself to Christ and being transformed by this encounter. He is done with defrauding others and is instead bent on this one desire: to see Jesus, the long-awaited Savior of the human race, God incarnate—the only One who can save us by giving us the possibility of new life, a transformed life in the Life that He alone is. Our Lord rewards his repentant spirit by receiving him, dining with him, and giving him a share in His Kingdom, entering his home. What are your ‘handicaps’ to ‘seeing’ Christ, to finding healing from sin-sickness, brokenness, lack of faith, doubts, whatever sin? Are you willing to give them up for an opportunity to see Christ, to have Him dine with you? Renew your zeal for God. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Christ will add to you all the rest you need.                                                 In Christ’s love, Fr. Robert+           

House Blessings: The faithful invite Christ into their homes to set them aside, have them blessed, and pray God to make them places manifesting Christ’s light, peace, truth, and love, harbors in the midst of the storm of the world, places of refuge for our souls. Please contact Fr. Robert with two suggested days, times for a house blessing through END of JANUARY. He will do his best to accommodate (n.b., Mondays he is generally not available).


Important: 2018 Pledges and Commitments: If you have not yet offered your commitment for 2018, PLEASE place it in the offering box today. As of now we have $2500 total in monthly commitments. We need $3,500. To all for whom this Mission is dear, please give generously so we can continue to pay rent and other necessary expenses to provide for our church and her growth. “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Cor. 9:7). Thank you & thanks be to God! The Mission Council



  • TODAY, 9:30 Hours, 10, Divine Liturgy, Memorial (4th of falling asleep of Charlene, Fr. Robert’s mother)Trapeza, Sunday School, Great Blessing of the Waters at City Dock.
  • Wed, Jan. 24, 6:45 p.m., 2nd STUDY: On the Incarnation, St. Athanasius (4th century). Please join us and invite a friend!
  • Sat, Jan. 20, 6 p.m., Great Vespers (confession offered after service)
  • Sun, Jan. 21, 9:30 a.m., Hours, 10 a.m., Divine Liturgy, Trapeza.

Looking Ahead: Mark your Calendars

  • Friday, Feb. 2, 9:45 a.m., Divine Liturgy, GREAT FEAST, Presentation of Christ in the Temple, Trapeza
  • Sunday, Feb. 18, Cheesefare, Expulsion from Paradise, Vespers of Forgiveness with Rite of Forgiveness following Trapeza
  • Monday, Feb. 19—Beginning of Great Lent, 6:30 p.m. Canon of St. Andrew (M, T, Th,)
  • Wed, Feb. 21, 6:30 p.m., Presanctified Liturgy, Soup Supper


Confession and Reception: In keeping with OCA Guidelines, it is the discipline at Holy Archangels to practice monthly confession. If you wish to receive Communion and a month has passed and you have not made confession for good reason, or, are visiting, please talk with Fr. Robert prior to the service and before approaching the Chalice.


Monthly Giving—Expanding the Mission: Our Mission has taken a big step of faith to move into our new church home, to expand our bookstore and outreach efforts, and make more room for new families and individuals. We need your help to afford our new space. Monthly pledges and giving are key to our sustainability and our growth.


TRAPEZA: The lunch and fellowship we serve after Divine Liturgy is an important part of our Mission’s life together. We cannot draw closer to God if we are not also drawing closer to each other. If we wish to grow “in spirit and in numbers,” such fellowship needs to be part of our life together in Christ. Please sign up to help provide for this important ministry.


Prayer Requests: That our Mission grows “in spirit and in numbers”

  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission & college ministry, ACM (Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry);
  • Forgiveness, memory eternal: His Majesty Regele (king) Mihai I of Romania (last Orthodox king who reigned)
  • Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Sbn. John, Gov. Hogan, Frederica, Benedict, Daniel, Eric, Daniel, Noah, Norm, Alex, Gary, Timothy, Sophia, Vivian, Marlena and baby, Beatrice, George, Helen, Helen, Geneva, Phoenix, Sydney, Young, Liam, Cynthia, Valerie, Annette, the Church in Georgia, Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren in the Middle East, peace in Syria.


From the Fathers… On Zachaeus

Repentance is the abandoning of all false paths that have been trodden by men’s feet, and men’s thoughts and desires, and a return to the new path: Christ’s path. But how can a sinful man repent unless he, in his heart, meets with the Lord and knows his own shame? Before little Zacchaeus saw the Lord with his eyes, he met Him in his heart and was ashamed of all his ways. (St. Nikolai Velimirovic, “The Thirty-Second Sunday After Pentecost: The Gospel on Repentant Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10,” Homilies Volume II: Sundays after Pentecost)

Troparion             (Resurrection) Tone 8           

Thou didst descend from on high, O Merciful One!

Thou didst accept the three day burial//to free us from our sufferings!

O Lord, our Life and Resurrection, glory to Thee!

Troparion             (for Maximus the Confessor) Tone 8           

Champion of Orthodoxy, teacher of purity and of true worship,

enlightener of the universe and the adornment of hierarchs:

all-wise Father Maximus, thy teachings have gleamed with light upon all

            things.//Intercede before Christ God to save our souls!

Troparion             (for Martyr Neophytus)                        Tone 4           

Thy holy martyr Neophýtus, O Lord, // through his suffering has received an incorruptible crown from Thee, our God.

For having Thy strength, he laid low his adversaries,

and shattered the powerless boldness of demons.//

Through his intercessions save our souls!

Troparion               (Angels) Tone 4           

O Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you: // by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, // and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion            (Resurrection)            Tone 8            

By rising from the tomb, Thou didst raise the dead and resurrected Adam. // Eve exults in Thy Resurrection, // and the world celebrates Thy rising from the dead, O greatly Merciful One!

Kontakion             (for Maximus the Confessor) Tone 6            *

The Thrice-radiant Light took up abode in thy soul, O all-blissful father,

and displayed it as an elect vessel, manifest to the ends of the earth.

O blessed Maximus, thou didst explain hard-to-grasp doctrines with

brilliance and clarity,//

proclaiming the transcendent and unoriginate Trinity to all.

Kontakion            (for Martyr Neophytus)            Tone 4           

Thou didst shine forth from the mount like lightning, // glorifying Christ through thy struggles and death as a martyr.//Therefore, thou hast received an unfading crown, O Great-martyr Neophýtus.

Kontakion            (Angels) Tone 2           

Commanders of God’s armies and ministers of the divine glory,//

princes of the bodiless Angels and guides of mankind;

ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy,//

O Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.