Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – February 25, 2018

Today we celebrate the triumph of Orthodoxy and with it the consistent proclamation of the truth of who Christ is: “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) as He is revealed to be, first through the creation, second through the prophets, and third and especially, by virtue of His Incarnation. With the victory of the “right-believing” (Orthodox) Christians, came the defeat of all those heretics and heresies that twisted the truth that Jesus Christ is, and therefore, threatened the healing and salvation of the human race. There is nothing arbitrary in Holy Tradition, the faith “once received” by the Saints. An Orthodox Christian today believes the same as one in the first century because our faith is about coming to know and grow in communion with God the Holy Trinity, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Indeed, this and only this is what it means to be “in communion” (koinonia): we share that same fullness of faith and life in Christ that those did who came before us did. There are threats to the Orthodox Faith in every age, including our own. We glorify God this day that those who’ve come before us have preserved the truth for us, so that we, in turn, may come to know Him who is that Truth. It’s incumbent on us then, likewise, to live and proclaim the same Faith—in its fullness—that others after us may come to know the one, true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and so, likewise find healing from passions and life eternal. In Christ’s Love, Fr. Robert+


Important: 2018 Pledges and Commitments: If you have not yet offered your commitment for 2018, PLEASE place it in the offering box today. As of now we have $2500 total in monthly commitments. We need $3,500. To all for whom this Mission is dear, please give generously so we can continue to pay rent and other necessary expenses to provide for our church and her growth. “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (II Cor. 9:7). Thank you & thanks be to God! The Mission Council



  • TODAY, 9:15 Hours,10 a.m., Divine Liturgy with Baptism (Jonathon Ayala, son of James and Olga), Sunday of Orthodoxy procession, Trapeza, Sunday School.
  • Wed, Feb. 28, 6:30 p.m., 2nd Presanctified Liturgy, Soup Supper
  • Sat, March 3, 6 p.m., Great Vespers (confession offered after service)
  • Sunday, March 4, Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, Annual Meeting following Trapeza.


Looking Ahead: Mark your Calendars

  • , March 9-Sat., March 17, Fr. Robert leading National OCF Realbreak Romania mission trip to the Pro Vita Orphanage. Fr. Ignatius Green (godson of Fr. Robert) will be supplying.
  • Sunday, March 25, Great Feast of the Annunciation
  • , March 29, 5:30-7:30 p.m., March Catechumen Meeting


Confession and Reception: In keeping with OCA Guidelines, it is the discipline at Holy Archangels to practice monthly confession. If you wish to receive Communion and a month has passed and you have not made confession for good reason, or, are visiting, please talk with Fr. Robert prior to the service and before approaching the Chalice.


Monthly Giving—Expanding the Mission: Our Mission has taken a big step of faith to move into our new church home, to expand our bookstore and outreach efforts, and make more room for new families and individuals. We need your help to afford our new space. Monthly pledges and giving are key to our sustainability and our growth.


TRAPEZA: The lunch and fellowship we serve after Divine Liturgy is an important part of our Mission’s life together. We cannot draw closer to God if we are not also drawing closer to each other. If we wish to grow “in spirit and in numbers,” such fellowship needs to be part of our life together in Christ. Please sign up to help provide for this important ministry.


Prayer Requests: That our Mission grows “in spirit and in numbers”

  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission & college ministry, ACM (Annapolis Pan-Orthodox College Ministry);
  • Forgiveness, memory eternal: Newly-reposed servants of God Elder Dobri Dobrev, Billy, Joseph, Anthony, Mary, Annette, those who lost their lives in the mass shooting in Florida.
  • Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Sbn. John, Gov. Hogan, Frederica, Benedict, Daniel, Eric, Daniel, Noah, Norm, Alex, Gary, Timothy, Sophia, Vivian, Marlena and baby, Beatrice, George, Helen, Helen, Geneva, Phoenix, Sydney, Young, Liam, Cynthia, Valerie, the Church in Georgia, Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren in the Middle East, peace in Syria.


From the Fathers:

The past, the present, the future: At the beginning, one lonely man on the cross — the complete defeat. And if at that time we had been there with all our human calculations, we probably would have said: “That’s the end. Nothing else will happen.” The twelve left Him. There was no one, no one to hope. The world was in darkness. Everything seemed finished. And you know what happened three days later. Three days later He appeared. He appeared to His disciples, and their hearts were burning within them because they knew that He was the risen Lord. And since then, in every generation, there have been people with burning hearts, people who have felt that this victory of Christ had to be carried again and again into this world, to be proclaimed in order to win new human souls and to be the transforming force in history. Today this responsibility belongs to us. We feel that we are weak. We feel that we are limited, we are divided, we are still separated in so many groups, we have so many obstacles to overcome. But today, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we close our eyes for a second and we rejoice in that unity which is already here: priests of various national churches praying together, people of all backgrounds uniting in prayer for the triumph of Orthodoxy. We are already in a triumph, and may God help us keep that triumph in our hearts, so that we never give up hope in that future event in the history of orthodoxy when Orthodoxy will become the victory which eternally overcomes all the obstacles, because that victory is the victory of Christ Himself. (Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann)


Troparion             (Resurrection)            Tone 5           

Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word,

co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,

born for our salvation from the Virgin;

for He willed to be lifted up on the Cross in the flesh,

to endure death, //and to raise the dead//by His glorious Resurrection.

Troparion             (Sunday of Orthodoxy)            Tone 2           

We venerate Thy most pure image, O Good One;

and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ our God.

Of Thy good will Thou wast pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh

and deliver Thy creatures from bondage to the Enemy.

Therefore with thankfulness we cry aloud to Thee:

“Thou hast filled all with joy, O our Savior,//

for Thou alone hast come to save the world.”

Troparion               (Angels) Tone 4           

O Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you: // by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, // and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!

Kontakion            (from the Lenten Triodion)            Tone 8            

No one could describe the Word of the Father; // but when He took flesh from thee, O Theotokos, He accepted to be described, // and restored the fallen image to its former state by uniting it to divine beauty.// We confess and proclaim our salvation in words and images.

Kontakion            (Angels) Tone 2           

Commanders of God’s armies and ministers of the divine glory,//

princes of the bodiless Angels and guides of mankind;

ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy,//

O Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.