Weekly Update and Bulletin From Fr. Robert Miclean – April 26, 2015

The myrrh-bearing women and the pious Joseph and Nicodemus all had great courage. Ordinarily, when we think of great courage, we think of heroic exploits of warriors or military heroes. But in their outward and inward appearance, the myrrh-bearing women were soft-spoken, humble, modest in demeanor, loving—like Mary the Theotokos. They weren’t puffed up on themselves, but servants at heart. They were able to ‘risk’ everything, even death, to anoint Jesus, to take Jesus down from the cross, to bury Him, and to go to Him after His life-giving death, even while all the others fled from fear. Why? Because they loved with the love of God, the love He Himself had shown them. “Perfect love casts out fear,” (I Jn. 4:18). No surprise then, that, motivated by such love, they would ‘risk’ everything to go to Him and in Joseph’s case, to bury Christ. Such was their faith and love, exercised in humility–nothing would stop them from caring for Jesus.

In our secular culture today, we need such courage to faithfully witness to the timeless truth of Christ. But, how easy it is to fear. Ultimately, such witness to have a fruitful effect must emanate from a love for God and for those around us. Otherwise, St. Paul assures us, we are as a “sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.” (I Cor. 13). May we stand firm in the conviction of our faith, as inheritors of a precious treasure that is not just for ourselves but for our neighbor and, indeed, the whole world. And may we come to exemplify the courage, humility and love for Christ and His truth so that we can help bring others to the healing and love of Christ with us, just as did the Holy Myrrh-bearers of Christ. Holy Myrrh-bearers, pious Joseph, and righteous Nicodemus, pray for us sinners to have the courage, humility, and love to witness Christ’s truth in our own day!


  • Today, Presentation of RealBreak Romania 2015 during Trapeza
  • Monday, April 27-May 19, Fr. Robert leading OCMC Mission trip to Rep. Moldova followed by some time away to visit family in Romania. Psa. Krissy and Family joining him
  • Saturday, May 2, 6 p.m., Great Vespers, 1120 Spa Rd. (St. Martin’s)
  • Sunday, May 3, 9:30 a.m., Hours, 10 am Divine Liturgy,

Save the Date!

  • Thursday, May 21, 10 a.m., Holy Ascension of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ
  • Sunday, May 30, 2 p.m., Picnic, Great Vespers & Litya for PENTECOST at the Rectory,
  • Sunday, May 31, 10 a.m., Divine Liturgy of the Great Feast of PENTECOST


March Financial Report: Holy Archangels received a total of $2283 in offerings in March. $2333 was pledged. YTD $7322 has been received. $6999 was expected. Your faithful contributions provide for this church and her ministries. We thank God for His provision and your faithfulness, which insures that our Mission can continue and grow! Holy Archangels Mission Council

Prayer Requests:

  • That God may grow our Mission “in spirit and in numbers…”
  • For God’s financial provision for our Mission and ACM (Annapolis College Ministry);
  • Newly-departed hand-maiden of God, Paraskeva
  • Metropolitan Isaiah of Georgia, Archpriest George, Priest John, Dcn. Basil, Rdr. John, Benedict, James, Daniel, Seraphim, Ed, Bede, Wanda, George, Daniel, Maria and family, Margaret, the Church in Georgia & Romania as they address the relativism of the West, speaking the truth in love, our persecuted brethren in Iraq & Syria, a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine., those suffering from Ebola and a speedy end to the disease.

Troparion             (Resurrection) Tone 2
When Thou didst descend to death, O Life Immortal,
Thou didst slay hell with the splendor of Thy Godhead.
And when from the depths Thou didst raise the dead,
all the powers of heaven cried out:// “O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to Thee!”
Troparion             (from the Pentecostarion)Tone 2           
The noble Joseph, // when he had taken down Thy most pure Body from the Tree,
wrapped it in fine linen and anointed it with spices, // and placed it in a new tomb.
But Thou didst arise on the third day, O Lord,// granting the world great mercy.
Troparion             (from the Pentecostarion)Tone 2           
The Angel came to the myrrhbearing women at the tomb and said:
“Myrrh is fitting for the dead; // but Christ has shown Himself a stranger to corruption!
So proclaim: ‘The Lord is risen,// granting the world great mercy.’”
Troparion (Holy Archangels)            Tone 4
Commanders of the heavenly hosts, // we who are unworthy beseech you:
by your prayers encompass us beneath the wings of your immaterial glory,
and faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry to you://
“Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders of the Powers on high!”
Kontakion            (from the Pentecostarion)Tone 2            
Thou didst command the Myrrhbearers to rejoice, O Christ God.
By Thy Resurrection, Thou didst stop the lamentation of Eve, the first mother.
Thou didst command them to preach to Thine Apostles:// “The Savior is risen from the tomb!”
Kontakion (Pascha)Tone 8           
Thou didst descend into the tomb, O Immortal, // Thou didst destroy the power of death.
In victory Thou didst arise, O Christ God, proclaiming, “Rejoice!” to the Myrrhbearing Women,//
granting peace to Thine Apostles, and bestowing // Resurrection on the fallen.
Kontakion            (Holy Archangels) Tone 2
Commanders of God’s armies // and ministers of the divine glory,
princes of the bodiless Angels // and guides of mankind;
ask for what is good for us, and for great mercy,// Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts.