Acatistul Sfantului Antim Ivireanul | Akathist to St. Antim Ivireanul (the Georgian)

St. Antim

St. Antim

Va invit la Acatistul Sfantului Antim Ivireanul,  sambata, 27 Septembrie, 17.30 .  Sfantul Antim, mare mitropolit si ierarh al Tarii Romanesti si marir tin timpul Sfantul Martir si Dragator Roman, Constantin Brancoveanu.  Sfanta Manastirea Antim a fost ctitorita de Sfantul intre 1713-1715 si este una dintre mai multe mostenirii a Sfantului.  Biserica noastra este binecuvantata cu o mare icoana al Sfantului Antim.

Slujba va avea loc  si va fi oficiata de Parintele Robert Miclean, in principal, in limba romana. Urmeaza o mica receptie dupa acatist in sala noastra. Biserica Sfintii Arhangheli se afla la adresa urmatoare:

1120 Spa Rd., Annapolis, Maryland. Biserica se afla la sala parohiala a bisericii luterane St. Martin.

Dupa Acatistul Sfantului Antim si receptie, se va tine o vecernie preascurtata pentru sambata seara si apoi o cina. Toti credinciosii sunt invitati pentru o parte sau pentru toate momentele, functie de timpul disponibil. Vecernia va fi oficiata pe limba engleza, cu fragmente in limba romana.


Akathist to St. Antim Ivireanul (the Georgian)

We invite you to join us for the Akathist of St. Antim Ivireanul, Saturday, 27 September at 5:30 p.m.  St. Antim,originally from Georgia, is one of the greatest of Romania’s Saints and truly a man who loved Christ and His holy Church.  His many legacies include some of the first printings of many important liturgical resources in Georgian, Romanian, Greek, and Arabic.  The well-known holy Antim Monastery in Bucharest, Romania was founded by the Saint and came to be named for him.

The service will be mostly in Romanian with some English.  A short reception will be held after the Akathist, which will then be followed by a shortened Great Vespers (served in English) and dinner with our community. We invite you to join us for some or for all of these events, as you are able.  Please join us for this great blessing!