2011, July 31 — 7th Sunday after Pentecost

7th Sunday after Pentecost
Forefeast of the Procession of the Lifegiving Cross of the Lord
Righteous Eudocimus of Cappadocia
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Epistle: Romans 15:1-7
Gospel: Matthew 9:27-35
Welcome to Annapolis Orthodox Mission!

Tone 6

This Monday we begin the Dormition Fast, preparing physically and spiritually for the blessed Feast of the Holy Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos.  This is one of four fasting seasons giving to us for our growth, healing, and deification, to ready us to enter into the joy of Christ’s presence at the Feast.  Summer is always a busy time, but I encourage you all the more to avail yourself of this opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal as we bring balance back between our bodies and souls, strengthening our souls by fasting and prayer. 

Fasting and prayer always go together.  In these two weeks, we are enjoined to let go of the world’s hold on us, to take steps forward in faith, to make confession before the Feast (August 15) if we have not done so in the past month, and to maintain a repentant spirit as we renew our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  Here are the general rules concerning the Fast: Starting Monday, we fast from all flesh-meats (including fish) and keep a Vegan diet whenever possible, except at the Feast of the Holy Transfiguration (Saturday, Aug. 6) and the Feast of St. Herman of Alaska (Tuesday, Aug. 9), and at the Feast of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (Sat., Aug. 13) when fish, wine, and oil are allowed.  Otherwise, wine and oil are allowed, except on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Shellfish is always permitted. We also refrain from mindless activities and entertainment.  Instead, we engage in edifying activities and increase our prayer disciplines. Those with health issues, those pregnant and nursing, and young children, do not engage in the full fast or do not fast at all.  As always, if you have any concerns as to how to apply the fast in your situation, please speak with me. The fast is made for man, to help us.

Our OCA guidelines admonish us to make confession during the four fasting seasons (at the very least) if we do not make confession more often.  Also, anyone who is away from Divine Liturgy for more than three weeks in a row, needs to make confession again before receiving the Holy Eucharist.  The best time to make confession is Saturdays following Great Vespers or by appointment if you cannot make Vespers for good cause. 

In Christ’s love and every blessing for the Fast and the Feasts in this holy season.

Fr. Robert

Schedule for the Week:

  • Wednesday. August 3. Bible study on Ephesians, 7 p.m., the Greenwell’s house, 1811 Mill Ridge Ct., Annapolis, 21409. 
  • Saturday, August 6. Great Vespers, 5 p.m. Fellowship Hall B, St. Martin’s Church.
  • Sunday, August 7. Divine Liturgy, 10 a.m. Fellowship Hall B, St. Martin’s Church.

Upcoming Special Services:

  • Saturday, August 6 Feast of the Holy Transfiguration, Divine Liturgy, 10 a.m. (Hours at (9:30), St. Martin’s Lutheran
    Church, Fellowship Hall B.
  • Monday, August 15 Feast of the Holy Dormition, Divine Liturgy, 10 a.m. (Hours at 9:30), St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall B.
  • Please note: It is traditional to offer fruit, e.g., fresh grapes, wine, etc., for the Feast of the Transfiguration, and flowers to the Feast of the Holy Dormition, to be blessed. Please bring your contributions forward and place them on the side table at the Feast.

Troparion Tone 6 (Resurrection)
The angelic powers were at Your tomb;
the guards became as dead men.
Mary stood by Your grave,
seeking Your most pure body.
You took captive hell,//
not being tempted by it.
You came to the Virgin, granting life.//
O Lord, Who rose from the dead, glory to You.

Troparion Tone 1 (for the Cross)
O Lord, save Your people,
and bless Your inheritance!
Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians
over their adversaries;
and by virtue of Your Cross,
preserve Your habitation!

Troparion Tone 4 (Righteous Eudocimus)
He Who called you from earth to heaven,
keeps your body unharmed after death, holy Eudocimus;
for you lived a sober and holy life
and did not defile your flesh;//
so with boldness intercede with Christ that we may be saved!

Kontakion Tone 6 (Resurrection)
When Christ God the Giver of Life,
raised all of the dead from the valleys of misery with His mighty hand,
He bestowed resurrection on the human race.//
He is the Savior of all, the Resurrection, the Life, and the God of all.

Kontakion Tone 3 (Righteous Eudocimus)
Today your honored memory
has assembled us at the holy shrine of your sacred relics;
all then who approach and venerate them
are rescued from the evil malice of ^demons//
and are swiftly delivered from various diseases, blessed Eudócimus.

Kontakion Tone 4 (for the Cross)
As You were voluntarily raised upon the Cross for our sake,
grant mercy to those who are called by Your Name, O Christ God;
make all Orthodox Christians glad by Your power,
granting them victories over their adversaries,
by bestowing on them the invincible trophy, Your weapon of peace!

Annapolis Orthodox Mission
Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
His Beatitude, Metropolitan JONAH
The Rev. Fr. Robert Miclean — Priest-in-Charge, AOM
262-844-2369 Fr.RobertMiclean@gmail.com